(originally posted on April 19th, 2010)
I was in Albany today, on my way home getting my oil changed when I spoke with Ashley, of Lymenaide. She informed me about a recent misunderstanding, and what appeared to be some misinformation regarding the Paint May Lyme Green campaign. I planned on coming home to do a post to make sure people knew exactly what donations were being used for etc. and saw that Ashley had beaten me to it and written up a great post that talks more about the campaign, as well as the donations being used for it. Please check it out.
If you have any questions or concerns about the campaign, or about the donations being made or about making a donation, please feel free to contact us.
For a current list of all current donations:
Paint May Lyme Green Donations
And to know what’s being done with the money:
And the estimated budget for the campaign:
Paint May Lyme Green Estimated Budget
Ashley does an amazing job on Lymenaide at keeping everything up to date and current, so check back to see the progress of the campaign. Everything all of you are doing is making a huge impact. We just want to get the word out so that others don’t ever have to get as sick as we are, or have been. That’s why this project is SO important to the hundreds that are involved with it at this time.
Thank you again, on behalf of all the other Lymies out there who want to spread awareness to stop people from getting this ill.